Workshops, Talks & Consulting

  • Bespoke Content

    Holly offers speaking engagements on a range of mental health topics. Whether you represent a school, organisation or business, Holly can collaborate with you to design curriculum and deliver talks, workshops and seminars that address the needs of your community.

  • A Range of Topics

    - Addiction
    - Anger Management
    - Anxiety
    - Boundary-Setting
    - Care for Carers
    - Depression
    - Digital Hygiene
    - Drug Awareness
    - Mental Health Support in the Workplace
    - Sleeping Well
    - Stress Management

  • Flexible Format

    Holly delivers speaking engagements either online or in person, depending on your organisation’s needs.

    Services can be short-term, e.g. a one-off talk, or longer-term, e.g. a regular webinar series on a topic.

    If you have specific topics in mind, get in touch to see if Holly can cover them.